Hey, my name is Corey, I run the PC Modding page at
am 26
from Australia. My passion for PC Modding came into my life two years ago. I had help to put
together my first PC as I lacked knowledge in this particular area. I became hooked on PC
Modding only two weeks after receiving my first PC Build when I came across a photo of Peter
Brands Desk PC. After two solid days/nights of studying PC Modding, I gained enough
knowledge to attempt my very own Desk PC, what a success it was and a very inspiring build
for myself considering it was my first scratch/modified pc.
Every day I am learning new techniques to improve my Modding. Now with numerous builds under
my belt, I hope to inspire anyone who would like to get into the Modding industry, I always
encourage people to ask questions and seek advice, as I myself still do.
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